07 5472 8630 info@topcuttrees.com
Local Council Info - Logo

Local Council Info

Please always remember to check whether councilĀ approval is required for your tree

Local Council

Although we may have all the expertise to remove the tree, we also have the professionalism to require that the tree and vegetation removal is acceptable to council.

The Sunshine Coast Council and Noosa Council’s vegetation management laws aim to protect the natural resources of the area, maintain biodiversity and conserve ecological values. Therefore aiming to prevent unnecessary vegetation damage and to ensure any necessary vegetation damage is carried out in a responsible manner.

Regulations governing vegetation management vary according to your area. It is best to check council’s website and determine whether your tree or vegetation is protected or needs a permit for removal.

Another useful resource is to request a report fromĀ the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. This will show you if your property is in a high risk area.

DNRM Vegetation Report Request

If you aren’t sure whether your tree requires permission, both the Sunshine Coast Council and Noosa Council have information on their websites. The following links direct you straight to the necessary pages:

Sunshine Coast Council – Tree and Vegetation Clearing

Noosa Council – Tree and Vegetation Clearing

One of the most common reasons people turn to council about advice regarding trees is because of a dispute with the neighbours.

Disputes can be about:

  • Branches overhanging your fence
  • Branches or fruit dropping into your yard
  • Roots causing damage to your property
  • Branches blocking sunlight from solar panels or TV reception.

The first step is to determine who is the tree keeper. Following this try and discuss with this person and reach a mutually beneficial solution.

Otherwise there is some very useful information regarding who has responsibility for maintaining a tree, and what you can expect if your neighbours tree is causing you problems through this link:

What to do if a neighbour’s tree is affecting you


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    Tree removal due to neighbours dispute